Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Will the FBI be a good career path for me?

            At my school,we were given the assignment to pick a guiding question,wich will be a base that will be branched off of to develop more specific details on the subject of choice. I choose to develop my project on this guiding question: Will the fbi be a good career path for me. With fbi profilers requiring intense dedication of time ,and an intense work ethic, I will collect information that will assist me in determining if this is the right career path for me to follow.
   With me being a 14 year old, college might seem like it's forever away, but in my perspective,I see it right around the corner. This assignment just doesn't benefit one grade I will get in my 8th grade year, but will let me see a more accurate path I will have to take in the decision of becoming a FBI profiler.The outcome will let me develop a  more accurate positive theory. I will be able to collect information to see how intense and how much dedication I will need to become a FBI profiler, or I will see that I don't have the passion to peruse becoming an FBI profiler.
   This assignment is beneficial for my future, and the choices I make now as a student. If I want to pursue a FBI career path, it will inform me about the classes I might want to take to help me get ahead and better understand the craft. This might also show me that the FBI isn't the right career for me, but will let me know the positives and negatives I would prefer in a future job, it might even guide me to a different career I didn't have knowledge of.